Interview to Margarida:


  1. Hello, my name is Magda Cardoso and my group and I were assigned with the topic of "How do media affects interpersonal relations". Today, I'm going to interview Margarida Pereira. Hi Margarida! Please introduce yourself.
  2. Hello Magda, thanks for having me! My name is Margarida Pereira, I'm 18, I live in Marco de Canaveses and I'm a law student in FDUP.
  3. Do you think that media affects the way people relate with each other? And if so, have you ever experienced or know anyone that has had that experience?
  4. That's a great question! Definitely, the media affects people's lives and relationships. On a brighter side, for example, what you see on the television or on the newspapers is a conversation starter. It informs you and the others around you about what's going on and helps people relate with one another. On a darker side, if you take a look at social media, for example, nowadays people's relationships are becoming more and more restricted to the online world. Plus, before this was only seen in teenagers but nowadays even adults are becoming addicted to receiving people's approval through social media like Facebook. Instead of communicating live, people live behind a screen. So, to sum up my opinion, I'd say media has a bigger impact each day and in a few years I doubt there will be anyone who can perceive their relationships with others without referring to the media. 
  5. Which media do you think affects more relations?
  6. That's a tough question but I'd say social media. although this pattern isn't seen in every single person, nowadays you can see that frequently people meet people through twitter, keep up with their friends through Facebook and even pick fights with other people through Instagram. There's a network that is as addictive as it is dangerous. So, by taking a look at today's relationships, I'd say social media has the upper hand 
  7. Do you think that social media approaches or separates people?
  8. Well, if you think about it, there's a 50/50 chance for both of those possibilities. The media can help you create relationships but it can also destroy the ones you have. Plus, nowadays we kinda live in an era of hate and that hate is perpetuated online and many times other media platforms like the news perpetuate the ignorance that makes people hate one another. I don't mean to be negative but it's the reality we live in, therefore, media can either bring people together or tear them apart depending on how you use it.
  9. We don't have any more questions to ask you, thank you very much Margarida!
  10. Thank you for having me.

Interview to José:

1. Rafaela Torres: Hi! My name is Rafaela and I'm going to interview José and try to know what he thinks about Media in Interpersonal Relations. So , do you think that Media affects the way people relate with each other? And , if so have you ever experienced or know anyone that has had experienced it?

2. José- Yes , I think in affects in a good and in a bad way. In a good way because it can bring people closer because how easy it is to speak with someone who is on the other side of the globe, but in can also be a bad thing because , let's imagine in a group scenario it can totally ruin up a group conversation if everyone is dettached from the world around it because they are looking at someone's lunch on Instagram.

3. Rafaela- Which Media do you think affects more relations?

4. José- I think that the Media that affects more relations is definetly Social Media as the Internet in general... I just feel like nowadays people only care about their fake online lives and just neglect their real ones.

5.Rafaela- Do you think that Social Media approaches or separates people ?

6. José- I think the intervention of Media in a interpersonal relation can go both ways. It's good because , again of how easy it is , let's say...a couple to keep in touch with a simple text or for example people can talk to their immigrated relatives that live abroad, but it's also a bad thing in a wife/husband relationship. For example , because if one of them is to addicted to their phones and doesn't pay attention to their partner that can lead to break ups , divorce and even cheating.

Languages and Foreign Cultures
Superior School of Education
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